An expressive system for specifying constraints in code makes reasoning about software much easier.

Hello. Since this website is only a day or two old at this point, there is probably nobody (or almost nobody) reading it so far. However, be that as it may, I want to at least put some form of real content up now, even if it is of little significance, so that I can start to get a bit of momentum going and so that the site will no longer be totally useless. As such, on a whim, I have decided to make this post here (the 2nd post ever) about some of my personal thoughts on the importance of being able to express constraints in an effective way when doing computer programming.

Despite how obvious one might think this point is, I think the point is still worth saying here. I find that it is actually surprisingly common for many popular programming languages and related tools to have unnecessarily weak or arbitrarily limited constraint specification systems. There is also likewise a surprising abundance of programmers who don’t seem to really grasp the usefulness of an expressive constraint system either.

Continue reading An expressive system for specifying constraints in code makes reasoning about software much easier.

I’ve decided to bring back my personal website, but different this time.

A while ago, perhaps a year or two ago, I used to have a personal website under this same web domain name, which was active for a few years, but it fell into disuse for a long time. I think the original version of the website first came into existence sometime around 2013 or 2014, shortly after I graduated college, but it has been a while since then so I’m not sure anymore. Eventually though, I decided to cancel and delete that version of the website to save a bit of money because it wasn’t actually being used for anything much at the time.

The old version of my website was used to host my resume, some examples of work I’d done, and various other miscellaneous things. I also had a few blog posts I made talking about a few random thoughts that interested me, mainly related to computer programming and game development and such. Additionally, I had a few miscellaneous tools and documents I made available to the general public that a few people found useful (e.g. a random music note generator for note name memorization practice).

Continue reading I’ve decided to bring back my personal website, but different this time.