I’ve published a new revised version of my book Unified Logic!

My book Unified Logic, which was a #1 New Release in the logic category on Amazon in 2018, has now been updated with a new revised version. This new version features hundreds of improvements to the text, such as some better phrasing of some parts to enhance clarity and tone, a fair number of hard-to-spot typo fixes, and various other editorial changes to improve the flow and overall feeling of some of the text. The preface has been especially highly edited, to help set the intended mood and audience better.

There are thus now three different versions of the book in existence: the 2018-07-01 version, the 2018-07-13 version, and the 2019-07-26 version. Only a single copy of the 2018-07-01 version exists though, as far as I’m aware, and it is in my possession. So really, in practice, this is the 2nd version of the book from the public’s perspective. I am quite happy with how it turned out. The changes in phrasing of many parts really help to soften some of the rougher edges in the text. The tone is now more nuanced and friendly, which helps to communicate my intent better.

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Lack of proper attention to aspect ratio in game settings

It is somewhat surprising how often many game developers seem to not pay sufficient attention to the proper presentation of screen resolution choices with respect to aspect ratio in the settings screens (a.k.a. configuration pages) of games.

Many games (especially PC based games) will present the user with a list of resolutions to choose from somewhere within a graphics settings screen. The list will typically enumerate a number of different resolutions such as 640×480, 800×600, 1280×720, and so on. That’s all well and good of course, but something important is frequently missing from the displayed info: aspect ratio.

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