I’ve published a new revised version of my book Unified Logic!

My book Unified Logic, which was a #1 New Release in the logic category on Amazon in 2018, has now been updated with a new revised version. This new version features hundreds of improvements to the text, such as some better phrasing of some parts to enhance clarity and tone, a fair number of hard-to-spot typo fixes, and various other editorial changes to improve the flow and overall feeling of some of the text. The preface has been especially highly edited, to help set the intended mood and audience better.

There are thus now three different versions of the book in existence: the 2018-07-01 version, the 2018-07-13 version, and the 2019-07-26 version. Only a single copy of the 2018-07-01 version exists though, as far as I’m aware, and it is in my possession. So really, in practice, this is the 2nd version of the book from the public’s perspective. I am quite happy with how it turned out. The changes in phrasing of many parts really help to soften some of the rougher edges in the text. The tone is now more nuanced and friendly, which helps to communicate my intent better.

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More academics should self-publish commercially, outside the control of exploitive journal monopolies.

Ever since I looked into academic publishing many years ago, when I was considering what avenue I might publish my ideas in if I ever ended up publishing those ideas, I’ve been shocked at just how incredibly exploitive and corrupt so much of the academic publishing industry really is. You would think that it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as it is. Science is supposed to be the pinnacle of rationality and integrity, and yet so much of the financial side of it has been pervasively parasitically co-opted by corrupt journal monopolies.

Most academic journals seem to claim almost all of the intellectual property ownership of the research publications that academics end up producing. Even worse than that though, they also push all of this content behind expensive paywalls that are inaccessible to the same public that funded much of the research.

Continue reading More academics should self-publish commercially, outside the control of exploitive journal monopolies.